Hello. There are two different essays here dealing with the same overall topic. Please write each one in a separate file. Minimum 2 pages each, double spaced, 12 font, times new roman. Please address all aspects of the question. Essay 1: How did the Spanish change Mesoamerican society in the colonial period? What social, political, and religious institutions were established? How was the government organized? How was the church organized? How did the goals of (and within) each conflict? In other words, what did members of each g roup want, how did they try to get it, and how successful were they? Be sure to include a discussion of resistance strategies and institutions (i.e. compadrazgo / co – parenting , cofradias , etc.) used by indigen ous groups in their efforts to survive. Essay 2: Globalization is, by nature, a world – wide process wha t effects has globalization had on Mesoamerican peoples and cultures? What strategies/solutions are indigenous people using to improve their economic, political, and social standing in national and global contexts today ? Have these been successful? Why or why not? What changes would you suggest to improve upon them?
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