20-25 Questions about the 4 Gospels ( Religious Studies)

IV – THE GOSPEL OF MARK, CHS 1-16 EVIDENCE OF ITS ORIGINAL CONTEXT FROM THE TEXT. THE DISTINCTIVE STYLE OF THE TEXT THE PERVASIVE IMAGE OF THE SUFFERING JESUS AND THE REJECTION OF HIM BY THE DISCIPLES Read: From the chart word document, and bring to class for discussion: Christological Titles in the New Testament, The Gospel according to Mark: Literary Features & Thematic Emphases, Christology in Mark’s Gospel, and Discipleship in Mark’s Gospel. Questions: 1. Identify the passages that present Jesus as one who suffers. What elements characterize the nature of his suffering? 2. Focus on the portrait of Jesus’ disciples. What does Mark say about them throughout the Gospel? ? n 3. Where in the Gospel does Jesus demand that others be silent (the so-called “Messianic Secret”). What is the function of this demand within the Gospel of Mark? EVIDENCE OF ITS ORIGINAL CONTEXT FROM THE TEXT THE STRUGGLE WITH TRADITIONAL JUDAISM THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS IN CONTRADISTINCTION TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE PHARISEES AND THE SCRIBES. Read: From the chart word document, and bring to class for discussion: The Gospel according to Matthew: Literary Features & Theological Emphases, and, Quotations from the 8Old Testament in the Gospel according to Matthew. Questions: 1. Based on your reading of the Gospel, what are the key themes that form the Gospel’s image of Jesus as “Son of God”? See esp. sg 359, 7, 8, 18, 90, 109, 131, 147, 158, 161 (note the disciple’s reaction of MT 17:6), 173, 300, 331, 345, 347. 2. The Gospel of Matthew reveals an intense struggle with official Judaism. What are the dynamics of this conflict? See: sg 284, 341, 351, 354, 8, 10, 14 (compare closely to LK), 33 (note “their” synagogue), 60, 63, 68, 134, 195, 252 and 271. 3. What is characteristic of Matthew’s use of the Old Testament citations? See: sg 7, 8, 10, 38, 269, 331 and 335. VI – THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, CHS. 1 -24 EVIDENCE OF ITS ORIGINAL CONTEXT FROM THE GOSPEL AND FROM LUKE’S OTHER WORK, THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES THE THEMATIC OF COMPASSION AND SALVATION WITHIN THE LUCAN 23wesx Questions: 1. After a reading of the whole gospel, set forth how Luke presents the theme of God’s compassion. It will help to focus on sg. 59 (note Q in Lk 6:36 differs from MT 5:48), 183, 186, 199-200, 208, 214, 220-222, 228, 237, and 346. 2. In the following sections of the gospel, how does Luke present the theme of Faith filled witness to Jesus? sg 8, 347, 265, and 355. 3. In the following sections, how does Luke present the universality of the gospel? sg 9, 13, 33, 119, 211, 265 and 365. VII – THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, CHS. 1 -21 THE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTER OF THE GOSPEL AND ITS SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES FROM THE SYNOPTICS. Read: From the chart word document, and bring to class for discussion: Contrasts between John and the Synoptics; and, Literary Features of the Fourth Gospel, “Signs” in the Fourth Gospel, and Christology in the Fourth Gospel. The composition, sources, and context of the Gospel of St. John “The Disciple whom Jesus Loved” 21:1-25 (Sg 367) Greeks seek Jesus 12:20-36 (Sg 302) The Healing at the Pool 5:2-47 (Sg 141) Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind 9:1-41 (Sg 248) The Ending of John 20:30-31 (Sg 366) EVIDENCE OF ITS ORIGINAL CONTEXT FROM THE GOSPEL AND FROM THE LETTERS OF JOHN Read: From the chart word document, and bring to class for discussion: “Signs” in the Fourth Gospel; and, Christology in the Fourth Gospel THE SIGN SOURCE AND THE COMMENTARY ON IT WITHIN THE TEXT. Question: 1. Read again sg 141, 248, 259, 31, and 366. In these sections, there are two themes: a) A miracle (a sign) that seeks to impress (wow). b) A discussion about the nature of Jesus (why). SO, Distinguish between (a) and (b). Under (b), what is the reader told to believe about Jesus? VIII – THE OPENING INTRODUCTION WITHIN EACH OF THE FOUR GOSPELS WITH AN EMPHASIS ON THE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTER OF THE PROLOGUE OF LUKE AND LOGOS HYMN OF JOHN (SG 1) Questions: 1. How do the major themes of John’s prologue serve as an overture to the Gospel by foreshadowing major Johannine ideas? 2. What does the prologue of the Gospel of Luke tell us about Luke’s intention and the procedure he follows to compose the text? IX – THE FUNCTION OF THE INFANCY ACCOUNTS WITHIN THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW AND LUKE (SG 2-12) Questions: 1. In general, what are the major differences in the texts? 2. How do the major themes in the Infancy of Matthew serve as an overture to the gospel by foreshadowing major Matthean ideas? They are teaching by showing who Jesus is and where he comes fro780u 3. In what way do the hymns in the Gospel of Luke express Luke’s theology? LK 1:46-56 (sg 4), LK 1:68-79 (sg 5), and LK 2:29-32 (sg 9).76 4. In what way is the announcement to Zechariah (sg 2) similar yet different than that offered to Mary (sg 3). 5. In what ways does Mary’s visit to Elizabeth (sg 4) and the Angelic proclamation to the Shepherds (sg 8) serve as a vehicle for Lucan Christology? 6. How does the prophecy of Simeon (sg 9) foreshadow the major themes of the gospel and the Book of Acts? Read: From the chart word document, and bring to class for discussion: The Birth of Jesus: Comparing the Gospel Infancy Narratives, and, the Infancy Narratives in Luke’s Gospel X – THE PASSION ACCOUNTS WITHIN THE FOUR GOSPELS WITH AN EMPHASIS ON THE IMAGE OF JESUS AND ITS NARRATIVE’S FUNCTION; THE PASSION AS A SUMMATION OF EACH GOSPEL (sg 305 -351) Read: From the chart word document, and bring to class for discussion: The Passion and Death of Jesus, A Comparative Overview of the Events of the Passion, and, The Gospel according to Matthew: The Matthean Passion & Resurrection Narratives Questions: 1. What does each Evangelist teach regarding the person of Jesus? In essence, how is each passion narrative a vehicle for the Christology of each gospel? 2. Taken as a whole, how do the Passion Narratives, in general, develop the following themes? a) The innocence of Jesus b) The Passion as the will of God c) The responsibility of the Jewish authorities d) The lack of responsibility of the Roman authorities 3. Closely compare the Matthean Passion narrative with that of Mark from sg 305-307, 330-336, 339-347: a) What changes does Matthew make to the Markan text that shows Matthew’s attention to clarity? b) What changes demonstrate Matthew’s desire to enhance Jewish responsibility in the death of Jesus? c) What changes demonstrate Matthew’s Christological preoccupation? XI – THE RESURRECTION ACCOUNTS WITHIN THE FOUR GOSPELS (sg 352 – 361) Read: From the chart word document, and bring to class for discussion: The Resurrection of Jesus in the New Testament Reading: John ch. 20 as four episodes: 1 – 20:1-10 2 – 20:11-18 3 – 20:19-23 4 – 20:24-29 Question: 1 What characterizes the reaction of the participants in each episode toward Jesus? She thinks at first the body of jesus has been moved however she soon realizes this is the power of jesus. Sense impression -> realizing she is speaking to Jesus. They do not have faith of his reserction. They are confused and don’t realized when talking to him. They are baffeled and only receive faith when Jesus breaks the bread (referencing last super) Jesus is then vanished from their sight. Reading: Luke Ch., 24 Question 1: What is the characterizes the reaction of the participants in the material of the 24th chapter of the Gospel when they rely upon their own senses? Question 2: What are the major themes of the story of the Two on the Road to Emmaus? (Sg, 355)

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