250 words Forum Post with 2 comments( each comments 2-4 sentences)

After watching the video lecture and reading carefully through the final research paper assignment, answer the question in bold below. Your response should be about 300 words total and must use concepts and information from the class readings or lectures to support your ideas. Your response is due by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, Nov 15th. Once you’ve posted your response, return to the forum to reply to at least 2 peers, other than yourself. Your replies should be about 2-4 sentences each and should move beyond just agreeing with your classmate or noting that they did a good job. Try to develop a conversation in the forum by asking questions, noting connections among ideas, pointing out where you disagree, etc. Your replies are due by 11:59 pm on Friday, Nov, 17th. Please read through the Netiquette Rules before posting, as well as the grading rubric for replies and posts (both of these documents can be found in the “General Resources” section on our main iLearn page). Share your research topic for your final paper and your reasons for choosing it. What interests you most about this topic?

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