Assignment Details LIT 2000 (3) – Introduction to Literature


Assignment: Compare and contrast the six

poems on the “Ars Poetical’ page. Compile a list

of similar and different ideas. In the paper, then,

summarize in at least 750 words what poetry is

and what poetry is not, according to the writers

in this section.

You have two weeks. Spend the first week on

reading the poems and gathering notes. Write a

draft and have it reviewed during the second

week. Revise and edit, as you have learned in

English classes.

Specific Requirements:

• Use at least four different poems from this


• Organize the discussion by ideas, not the

different poems, to improve flow. In other

words, group similar ideas together and

compare and contrast the works; don’t

separate them.

• Quote occasional phrases or lines to

illustrate your discussion.

• Integrate quotations properly (respecting

line breaks by using slashes).

• Format: Please double-s ace and use at

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