High quality essay ( Min 15 pages- double spaced , 10 -12 font size) At least 10 references must be used in writing the essay Essay must include Table of content Heading and subheadings Clear description of the issue Relevant legislation and case law The application of the relevant legislation and case law of issue : Aboriginal Fishing law in Canada- under the charter Logical Analysis Conclusion Special attention to legislative history, legislative intent, court interpretation (including whether the courts adopted a broad narrow construction of the statute concerned) and public policy. You need to have Very effective introduction Argument structure Clarity and focus Research quality Understanding of the subject Flow of argument Organization Recommended resources Horner Jessie J. Canadian law and the legal syatems Mortin F.L Law politics and the Judicial Process in Canada Gall, Gerald. The Canadian legal systems Yates, Richards A. & Ruth Whidden Yates and Penny Bain. Inroduction to law
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