Analysis Paper on “hero” from movies of 20th or 21st century

1. Topics: During the term we will read, examine, discuss, and write about works related to world mythology. At specific times during the semester (due dates in the course outline section of this syllabus), students are required to turn in a full 3-5 page critical analysis paper (no less than 3 full pages and no more than 5 full pages or the score will be lowered). These must be submitted to the correct location and in the correct format on Bb before the due date/time listed in the course outline. There are several handouts on Bb that explain the assignments in further detail. In general, the task for each paper is to choose one work from contemporary culture that explores specific ideas from our studies of world mythology. Students must choose a work from the humanities created during the 20th or 21st-century (film, published works [books or comics], theater, art, music, or performance arts). The first paper focuses on the archetypal “hero” figure or “hero’s journey.”

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