Part of the goal of this assignment is to explore the various tools under the ANALYZE tab in SPSS to become more comfortable with these features. In this SPSS assignment, you will increase your understanding of descriptive statistics involving central tendency and variability of data. 1. Split the file by gender. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of age and number of years teaching (experience) for males and females. Hint: useExplore found under the ANALSYS => Descriptives tabs. Age and Experience will be the dependent variable and Gender will be the factor. 2. Compute the mean, median, and mode for number of students in the class (class size). What value is the most representative measure of the central tendency for this variable and why? 3. Calculate the range of number of years teaching (experience). What does this information indicate about the years of experience? 4. Create a frequency distribution graph for topics taught. What is the most appropriate measure of central tendency? Report this value (the appropriate measure of central tendency for this variable). What is the appropriated graphical representation of the frequency distribution? Using SPSS, generate the graphical representation selected combined with supported answers. I have already completed the graphs
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