Assume one individual has the utility function expressed by U(W)=lnW; her current wealth W 0 =…

Assume one individual has the utility function expressed by
U(W)=lnW; her current wealth W0 = $120; she
faces a potential loss L. L can be either $20
(with the probability of 20%) and $100 (with the probability of

  1. Is she a risk-averse person?
  2. What is her Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion? Does
    she have CRRA?
  3. What is the actuarially fair insurance price, if she is going
    to purchase an insurance policy that fully covers the loss?
  4. What is her expected value of final wealth?
  5. What is the expected utility of final wealth if she does not
    purchase insurance?
  6. What is her certainty equivalent wealth?
  7. What is the maximum premium of insurance she is willing to pay
    to fully cover the loss?
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