These are the exact words from the syllabus: Draft of the Term Paper: A brief summary of the topic to discuss is required. You must also list the scholarly sources you will use. The length of this draft should be about 500 words. Term Paper: The final paper must include at least three scholarly sources (academic journal articles or chapters of scholarly books) and will address the following topic: Choose two major myths or episodes in Classical mythology (i.e. a major Homeric hymn or set of hymns, a substantial account or summary such as Hesiod or Apollodorus, or major episodes in the Homeric and/or Virgilian epics). Do not choose material that you have discussed in any other major assignment in the course. Compare and contrast the figures and events described in the two myths or episodes, and demonstrate how they contain important wisdom or lessons for an ancient and/or modern audience. The length of this paper should be about 1,500 words. SO I WILL ALSO NEED A 500 WORD DRAFT OF THE TERM PAPER FIRST
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