“Comparison of Two Methods of Electricity Production.”

Mini Research Papers Submission of two Mini Research Papers is required for this course. If both papers are not submitted, your course grade will be lowered by one letter grade. The papers should be between 3 and 5 double spaced pages including the bibliography. Given the large amount of information available both in print and on the web, you should have at least 5 references. The topic for the first paper is “Comparison of Two Methods of Electricity Production.” It is due February 16. Each Mini Research Paper is worth 50 points Use authoritative resources for your papers. Use online databases, for example, that include the full text of academic, trade and news journals. Examples for the first paper: Use web sites from the Department of Energy or other credible sites. Search for keywords such as: ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION or ELECTRICITY and GENERATION or ALTERNATIVE AND ELECTRICITY. Also look up keywords SOLAR ENERGY, WIND POWER, etc. These are just a few suggested terms; try others that may be of interest. .

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