Competency essay on the course nutrition, health and emotional wellness This course studies the relationship among nutrition, diet, and food and their role in emotional health and wellness. This course will provide students with practical information, critical thinking skills, and the scientific foundation needed to help clients make better informed choices about their diet and health. Materials Required Coyne, R.K. (2015). Counseling for wellness and prevention. Routledge. ISBN 978-00415743143 Tatum, D. (2015). Emotional well-being and mental health. SAGE. ISBN 978-1412931090 Course Objectives By the end of the course, students will be able to: Describe the importance of health and wellness Articulate the importance of those behaviors that encourage well being. Explore specific objectives to maintain a life of activity and healthy living. Understand how personality affects emotional health. Understand how stress affects health. Attached will be some more info and the 2 books i had to read and example of a competency essay
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