Conflict Analysis Analytical Paper ( Kashmir Conflict )

The purpose of this essay is to analyze a conflict, assess the measures taken to resolve the conflict, and evaluate the success of these measures to transform the conflict into peaceful relations. If the conflict under study is ongoing, students will be responsible for assessing the potential for conflict transformation and recommending measures to be taken. body of your essay should be organized, with transitions that enhance the flow of the paper. Make sure that your conflict analysis includes:a.Conflict profile(1/3): the historic/political/economic/socio-cultural context for the conflict, the variety of ways in which the conflict has played itself outb.Analysis(1/3):i.the proximate and structural causes of the conflict (including the different of points of view about these causes)ii.the collective identities of the actors involved–What are the interests (claimed, perceived, real) they have? What are the strategies that use to purse their interests and positions, and their capacities to affect the outcome? Are there ‘spoilers’?iii.the dynamics of the conflict (at the time you are studying it) –What are the conflict trends? What are the opportunities? What scenarios can be developed (best case/worst case)? where does it fit into a larger context?c.Assessment of Strategies used to manage/resolve/transform the conflict(1/3):i.outline the variety of strategies used (including a description of who initiated these strategies and how they were received)ii.assess the strategies (were they successful in the short-term? long term? why? what types of strategies were used and how did this influence their effect? what types of strategies were not used which may have been used? why weren’t they used. 1. Conflict Profile: clearly identify the conflict under study (conflict profile)2. Analysis:using the analysis method taught in class (causes, actors, dynamics)provide a thorough analysis of the conflict under study. 3a. Assessment (finished conflict): provide an overview of the strategies used to manage, resolve and transform the conflict (including who was involved) and assess the short and long-term impact and success of these strategies3bAssessment (on-going conflict): if you conflict is on-going, recommend strategies which may provide a more peaceful and long-term solutionNote; The bibliography of the paper (without annotations) should include at least TEN (10)academic sources (scholarly)

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