The conflict analysis paper is a four (4) page report designed to connect the readings of the course to real world contexts wherein the dynamics of war and peace played out. Within this analytical paper, you will be required to do the following: Topic for Conflict Analysis Paper: Pick an interstate conflict since 1900 (pick any after War # 81) from this list. You cannot pick WWI, WWII or the Cold War. I will make a sign-up Google Doc available from 9 am on January 16 until by January 19. 11:59 pm. The pickings are based on a first come, first serve basis. If a conflict has been picked by someone already, you will have to choose an alternative. I will upload a Google Docs document with the names of the conflicts; you will simply have to put your name next to the conflict you wish to work on. If a conflict has not been chosen by the due date, I will assign you one. The Conflict Analysis Paper. This paper will be composed of four parts: Introductory Synopsis: Give a half a page synopsis on the cause of your chosen war. Why did it break out? Who were involved? How many casualties were reported? Who won the war? (4 points) Causes of the Conflict: This section needs to cover the cause(s) of the war. Was there one cause or several? Was it a territorial war or a war of succession or that of imperialism? This section needs to be one page in length. (8 points) Conclusion of the Conflict: How did the interstate conflict conclude? This section needs to cover how peace was achieved (if the war has concluded). This section needs to touch on the following questions. Did the states involved settle the conflict by themselves or were external players involved? What were the implications of the conflict on the countries involved? Were their domestic political changes? Did the states involved lose or gain territory? Who were the winners and losers? If it is an ongoing conflict, what are the challenges facing its conclusion? This section needs to be one page in length (8 points) Conflict Analysis: Use two themes from the readings to analyze your chosen interstate conflict. For example, if you use Realist and Ethnic approaches to explain conflict, what would be the respective propositions of both of these approaches to explain the outbreak of your chosen conflict and its resolution? You need to make specific references to any of the assigned readings for this class. This section needs to be at least 1.5 pages in length. (20 points) Make sure to adhere to the Writing Specifications highlighted in the syllabus. Five (5) points are reserved for grammar, punctuation and style, including adherence to the Writing Specifications for this course.
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