cover page Table of contents Introduction (100 words) Brand Context (1000w) i. Overview of the brand: What industry does the brand operate in?

N‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌O PLAGIARISM! MINIMUM 5 Academic references! 12pt. Times New Roman! REPORT FORMAT! cover page Table of contents Introduction (100 words) Brand Context (1000w) i. Overview of the brand: What industry does the brand operate in? What geographical markets does it serve? What size is the brand (is it the market leader or a small, local brand?) ii. A description of how consumers think, feel and act towards the brand using Keller’s brand resonance model iii. Analysis of brand positioning iv. Summary of key dimensions of brand performance to measure: • Needs satisfied/category • Performance and imagery associations (including POP and POD) • Judgments and feelings • Resonance • Brand usage Selection and justification of questions: (300 words) i. Justification of questions for each measure Conclusion (100 words) Reference list! ADDITIONAL INFO FOR QUESTION SECTION Options for measures: 1. Bra‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌nd awareness (1-3 questions) – your choice of any/all brand awareness measures (see Romaniuk, Wight and Faulkner, 2017) 2. Brand performance and imagery (1 question) – MUST use a pick-any brand attribute association measure (pick 8-10 attributes to test, which are a mix of POP and POD for your brand) (see Dreisener and Romaniuk, 2006) 3. Brand judgments and feelings (3-4 questions) – your choice of scale and/or ranking measures (see Dreisener and Romaniuk, 2006) 4. Brand resonance (1-2 questions) – your choice of scale, ranking or pick-any brand attribute association measure (see Dreisener and Romaniuk, 2006) 5. Brand usage (2-3 questions) – past purchases and frequency of purchases relative to competitors (see Romaniuk and Nencyz-Thiel, 2013) ADDITIONAL INFO kellers resonance model -resonance -judgements -feelings -performance -imagery -salience Brand positioning components -target market -nature of competition -Points of parity (pop) -poi‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌nts of difference (POD)

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