The student should write in general about both Brands. And should use journal articles, books and newspapers etc as references for the answering the question.They should include Introduction, main body and conclusion and references. The word limit for the assignment is 3000 words and students should use font size 12, Arial, 1.5 line spacing. Following is the assignment task; Critical evaluation of international marketing strategies of brands Samsung and Nokia in different countries Notes: (1) Students must use the relevant theories learnt in this module so far. (2) The essay must cover examples of developed and emerging markets (3) Identifying best practice and the key factors that can be learned from both successes and failures of these brands. Students should focus on all three questions. Student needs to use International Marketing strategies related with product, price, distribution and promotion. They can use segmentation targeting and positioning for the Samsung and Nokia in different countries. They can also use entry mode strategiesdiscussion as well. They can use various charts, diagrams and figures related with Samsung and Nokia. Essay should also cover examples from developed and emerging markets. Students can use relevant journal articles, newspaper articles, websites for their Essay. Students must use Harvard referencing style for their work. They should use Introduction, main body and conclusion and referencing for their work. The following weight age has been used for the assessments; Use of relevant International and cross cultural theory and clarity of arguments- 30% Depth of knowledge and understanding-30% Use of relevant literature and references-30% Clear presentation of work with good use of English and grammar-10%
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