Writing Your Critique Your paper should be three full pages in length (approximately 280 words per page), double-spaced, written in 12 pt font, and must conform to MLA guidelines. Do not use extra spaces between paragraphs Consider your paper a reaction paper that chronicles the history of your attendance from an experiential standpoint. You can include information on your thoughts and feelings about the event as you prepared to attend, attended, and returned from the event. Your experiences as you transitioned from home to the event are of interest to your readers, providing a sense of “being there.” You should describe the setting for the event. Your work should detail the type of venue you attended and include information related to the purpose of the event. You should think about the journalistic questions of “who, what, when, where, and why,” for this part of your work. Be specific about when and where the event occurred. You should describe the performers and include information about instrumentation, setting, costuming, and stage behavior. Here are some things to think about: Were the musicians “engaged” or did they appear to be going through the motions of performing. Did they communicate subtly with each other while performing. Did they simply provide music or did they actively communicate with their audience. Did they seem polished and skilled? Describe in detail one or two songs that you especially liked. Were particular musicans featured in solos? What was the style of the music? What was it that you enjoyed about these songs? Describe the makeup and behavior of the audience. Did they attend to the music or treat it indifferently? With regard to the event, was the music the primary or secondary focus? Did you enjoy the event? What was it that made it enjoyable or not enjoyable? What do you recall most vividly about the experience? You may find it helpful to reflect upon the event for a few days, prior to completing your paper.
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