Cyber Breach Case Research & Control Recommendations

This is a 2 person project. I will need you to complete my half. My 5 cases described in the Project.1.25.2018 template, are attached and titled “5 cases”. Please read the instructions carefully in regards to her expectations. I will gather materials from our weekly readings for you to utilize for the research as she wants to know that we are reading her material and referencing accordingly. An example template of how she wants our cases broken down are in the Project Format Template (Easier Notes to Follow) document. If you need additional info, please let me know! Based on this only being my half of the work, I am assuming I will only need about 10-11 pages? Don’t worry about the cover page. Please complete a reference page though if you can. APA format for the entire paper. Thanks! Please let me know if you are able to view all of the attachments.

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