View of a Town in the Sabine Hills 1814 By Jean-Victor Bertin (1767 – 1842) Include a brief history of 160 words or less about the artist and his work. Do not plagiarize historical information.Cite the sources of your information. This is not a book report or a general essay. Descriptive writing and close observation is necessary. Further questions to answer: What relevance does the title of this painting have? Where are the Sabine Hills? Are the Sabine Hills related to history in a meaningful way? Describe the distant and near figures? Describe the color and light of the painting. Indicate specific colors in your description. Is there a focal point or is the composition spread out evenly? Describe the texture of the painting. How does the texture effect the mood of the painting? Is the image nostalgic or sentimental? Explain why it has a particular mood? Why were paintings like this one popular in France?
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