Different paths of drone regulations between Us and Europe

The relevant and current legal aspects of the topic must be addressed in the paper. Legal aspects encompass statutes, court or agency cases,legal treatises, legal journals,legal articles, legal casebooks, legal textbooks, agency regulations,international law and treaties. . Research Paper Length: At least 7 pages, but not more than 10 pages. The cover page and bibliography are not part of these required pages. Please use Microsoft Word. All text must be double-spaced. Use 1-inch margins with #12 font size. Documentation: Use proper documentation in the body of the paper and bibliography techniques. A minimum of 4 different references are required; these 4 references are not internet blogs(blawgs) or tweets. The American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for paper content and references must be used(if you are not clear on APA guidelines for sources or format get help online or at the library.) Attach copy of any Internet source documents of three pages or less. An abstract is not required. Paper discussion. Your must express your personal opinion/assessment of the issues and source material used in the paper to obtain a superior grade. If you use exact wording or verbiage from a source please place the words in quotes.

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