and Canlii.orgfr web site in french and english Tasks to be carried out: 1- Analyze the legal problems described 2- seek in the laws, regulations, jurisprudence, the information allowing to propose solutions 3- Respecting legal technology evaluation criteria 1-page-title 2-tables of contents 3-use of a word processor 4-pagination 5-numbering of responses, in prescribed order 6- layout (space provided, identification of numbers) 7-general quality of layout and presentation and professional appearance instructions 1- Citing a section of the law, the full title of the law must be included. Example: art 15 (1) Constitutional Laws of 1982 2- Citing a judgment, it is necessary to indicate the cause: example: Alain c.Wagner, 2012 QCCS 109 3- The reference of a website consulted must be indicated example: www. 4- Answers should be written in the student’s words. Unless otherwise stated, copying paste is not allowed and will result in the note o.
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