Webquest: Electronic Poster 1. You need only one Power Point slide 2. Choose a background 3. Choose four imagess. Do not download your images so you can avoid getting a virus on your computer; simply copy and paste. 4. Make sure that the images relate to the issues (the most important events of his/her life; writing career and award winning/best works; famous quotations; contributions to literary world) that you are trying to present. Avoid silly imagesthey may get you a laugh by your peers, but hurt your grade. 5. Choose a font; make it bold; make sure its color is in big contrast to the background so we can see it better. Write your caption above the image and put the attribution (look below the text under In-text Attribution) under the image. 6. Speaking Notes (minimum 200 words): click on the Notes Page (under the slidego to View, choose Notes Page so you can see the whole box on the second half of the page and write in itit will say click to add text) and copy and paste your main issues (captions). 7. Explain each issue clearly and concisely in the Speaking Notes. You need only one source. Provide a Works Cited entry at the bottom of the Speaking Notes for your source. 8. When you complete the assignment, look closely over your slide and proofread your text to avoid grammatical and contextual errors. 9. Go to View, click on the Notes Page to make sure your poster is complete. 10.Post your slide in the appropriate topic on the Discussion Board. 11.Look at the sample to make sure you are on the right track. In-text Attribution ? You may use images from Wikipedia and Microsoft Office for free. Make sure you give them in-text attribution. Title. Author (if available). Source. Web. Date.
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