Enterprise Software Development Methodologies research paper

The requirements modeling action results in one or more of the following types of models: Scenario-based models of requirements from the point of view of various system “actors.” Class-oriented models that represent object-oriented classes (attributes and operations) and the manner in which classes collaborate to achieve system requirements. Behavioral and patterns-based models that depict how the software be- haves as a consequence of external “events.” Data models that depict the information domain for the problem. Flow-oriented models that represent the functional elements of the system and how they transform data as they move through the system. The paper is to: Compare and contrast these 5 different types of requirements models. Cite at least additional 5 references in addition to textbooks. Select a model that you think is the best requirements modeling for Sky Tower Pizza. Defend your selection. Write 1500-2000 words. Include cover page and references list, as well as diagrams and tables whenever is necessary. Rubric: Compare and contrast these 5 different types of requirements models. Cite at least additional 5 references in addition to textbooks. (40%) Select a model that you think is the best requirements modeling for Sky Tower Pizza. Defend your selection. (40%) Writing styles, content, and APA format. (20%)

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