environmental justice regarding stray cats and dogs

How could we achieve environmental justice in dealing the environmental problems created by stray cats and dogs in a crowded city? The Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (SPCA) of Hong Kong suggested that we use the TNR (trap-neuter-return) strategy to solve the problems. Discuss and evaluate the merits or demerits of this strategy with reference to the considerations of environmental justice you have learnt in class (e.g. utilitarianism, procedural fairness, intrinsic value and intrinsic worth of entities, human interventions in restoring ecological balance). Prescribed readings: Details of the problems created and the strategy suggested by the SPCA can be found by following this link: http://issuu.com/spcahk/docs/streetwise2014/1 You are required to submit a commentary of no more than 600 words.

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