Essay 1: Natural Science, Ethics, and Critical Thinking

This week, you will be completing your first essay in this course, using the topic proposal and outline you submitted in Module 1. Do not write on a different topic from what you chose for the Module 1 assignment. Natural scientists have often been confronted with ethical dilemmas as they make the connection between pure research and human application of the research. From our reading and our discussions, you should have a better idea of what constitutes a true ethical dilemma and how to analyze critically and examine these issues. Using the Excelsior Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., research an ethical dilemma that researchers have faced in one of the natural sciences. Your essay should include the following: 1. A minimum of four resources from academic publications found in the Excelsior Library 2. 750 – 1250 words of writing. This does not include the title page or reference page. Please organize your paper based upon the approved outline and your faculty feedback. 3. Grammatically correct sentences. If you need assistance, free tutoring is available through Smarthinking. You can link to it under “Free Tutoring” in your Table of Contents. To receive assistance on how to write essays, you can refer to the Excelsior OWL (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. 4. Use APA citation guidelines. If you need assistance, please refer to either of the following online writing labs:

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