Instructions for Writing the Essay Question (see checklist at the end of this document): (You will lose points if you fail to follow these instructions) 1. Choose one question to answer from the options provided below. 2. The essay must be word-processed, double-spaced, paginated, no less than 750 words and no more than 850 words. 3. You must have a separate title page on which you include your name, date, descriptive essay title that clearly indicates the topic, question/prompt number, your LIB 133 section and instructors name, and the word count for your essay. The title page and works cited page text do NOT count towards the word count. 4. Your essay must have a thesis statement and be organized thematically, not by readings. 5. You must answer all parts of the question in order to get full credit for the essay. 6. Sources: a. In your essay, you must use specific and substantive examples (through paraphrasing and quotes) from at least three readings from the Spring 2017 course syllabus. You may use additional sources but only after you have used three readings from Unit II. b. You may also incorporate additional examples from documentaries and class lectures in your essay. Films and film transcripts do not count as readings. You may, however, refer to them once you have already used three readings from the Spring 2017 syllabus. c. PowerPoints do not count as readings, and information on them should not replace information that is in any of the readings. 7. You can access information about how to properly cite your sources on Essay Question : In class, we talked at length and read about the social construction of gender. How is gender constructed, and how, throughout U.S. history, have gender stereotypes and expectations been used to perpetuate inequality and deny people their civil rights?
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