established to teach unskilled production workers—African Americans and whites—the skills…

established to teach unskilled production workers—African Americans and whites—the skills necessary to become craftworkers. The plan reserved for African-American employees 50 percent of the openings in these newly created in-plant training programs. Pursuant to the national agreement, Kaiser altered its craft-hiring practice in its Gramercy, Louisiana, plant by establishing a program to train its production workers to fill craft openings. Selection of craft trainees was made on the basis of seniority. At least 50 percent of the new trainees were to be African American until the percentage of African-American skilled craftworkers in the Gramercy plant approximated the percentage of African Americans in the local labor force. During this affirmative action plan’s first year of operation, thirteen craft trainees (seven African American, six white) were selected from Gramercy’s production workforce. The most senior African American selected had less seniority than several white production workers who were denied admission to the program. Does the affirmative action plan wrongfully discriminate against white employees and therefore violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Justify your decision.

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