Ethic written assignment 2

Choose one of the case studies listed below. (Links to the case studies are provided in the Other Readings section of Study Materials.) Isolate the ethical issue and give a synopsis (brief summary) of the case. In a 3- to 5-page paper (750 to 1300 words), use the critical tools given in the Module 2 Lecture (Diagnosis, Prognosis, Prescription, Proscription) to analyze the issue the case raises and articulate what policy should be formulated to address the issue. Privacy Violations Using Microtargeted Ads: A Case Study Online “Predators” and Their Victims Social and News Media, Violent Extremism, ISIS, and Online Speech: Research Review *****Examine the two case studies you did not choose for Written Assignment 2. In a 2- to 3-page paper (500 to 800 words): Demonstrate how the issue raised relates to contemporary events, citing well-selected sources to support your position. Identify the ethical standard(s) you believe should be employed in addressing the issue raised. Explain your rationale for selecting the standard(s).

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