Eyewitness testimony is an unreliable source within the criminal justice system

Psychological research shows that eyewitness testimony is not always accurate, therefore it should not be used in the criminal justice system. Discuss. In order to answer this question: • Briefly define what eyewitness testimony is and where is it used in the criminal justice system • Consider its accuracy and costs associated where errors occurs • You need to outline and evaluate 2 or 3 areas of research which have examined the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. • If you conclude that eyewitness testimony is not always accurate, are there ways in which the criminal justice system can adjust its processes to increase its accuracy and make it a more useful tool or should it not be used at all? • You must adopt a position and argue this position throughout i.e. in every paragraph. Possible positions might be that i) eyewitness testimony is accurate and should be used within the criminal justice system; OR ii) eyewitness testimony is not accurate and should not be used; OR iii) that eyewitness testimony is not always accurate but by adopting certain practices, it can still be a useful tool for the criminal justice system. You should develop this position after reading your empirical articles. ENSURE THAT: • If you argue that processes can be used to increase accuracy and therefore this testimony should be used, combine in each paragraph the evidence on the error and processes to reduce the error – this will allow you to make your argument in every paragraph

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