Final written project – Financial Modeling Methodology

Select a publicly traded company that you will work with in various modeling projects throughout the course. The following should be considered when making your selection: 1. Publicly traded 2. Listed on Yahoo or MSN Money 3. Do not pick a conglomerate with many diverse divisions if possible 4. Look at both balance sheet and income statement of the company and be certain the various entries are consistent and simple enough to identify. 5. Be certain the firm has adequate history (at least 5 years). 6. Best if the firm pays dividends 7. Profitability is good, but not essential The right company selection (with instructor’s approval) at the beginning of the course will prove to be critical at the end of the course. A topic will be provided within the scope of study of Financial Modeling Methodologies. You are expected to use your selected company as a basis for your final project. Research, answer any questions asked, build a related model (some of the work already done may be incorporated into the model where appropriate) and in a written paper (APA format is required), describe how you built your model, how it works, and why you arrived at and selected their model as the best possible solution to the problem. Submit your company selection to the discussion board by the end of Intersession 1. You may not use the same company as one of your peers. (Your company selection is not graded. However, your company selection must be approved before continuing work on the final project.)

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