Financial technology in automobile industry (Block chain)

i need 2500 words + 25 references. My research is to develop an application software which is helpful for the car importing dealers and customers in NZ. so i want to adopt the technology called ‘BLOCK CHAIN’ in automobile industry. Currently am working in a car importing firm called ‘Wilso Motors’ Hamilton. So a software development company called ‘Bison Code’ is hosting us to develop the software. The blockchain financial technology is using to transfer fund between the dealers and customers in NZ and overseas to avoid bank and bank charges. what i need in the literature review are as follows. 1. Legal and financial formalities on importing cars in NZ from overseas, especially from Japan 2. Explanations about Block chain and about block chain apps already exist. 3. How the invention of Blockchain App gonna work in Car importing and how it is beneficial for the car dealers and the customers in NZ.

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