Focusing in particular on performance practices for genres and styles of music performed in their ensemble.

The research paper should focus on the songs included in musical “RENT”, songs are ” rent, one song glory, without you and so on” A brief introduction and statement of your research topic and methodological approach (1/2 page, approx. 300-500 words) d. The body of the paper, supported by text explanation, musical examples or other evidence to support your argument, arranged in logical sequence with sub-headings and clear paragraphing (approx. 900-1400 words). e. Citation of at least 5-10 relevant published research sources relevant to your assignment, in footnotes or endnotes, using a style appropriate to your methodological approach (see style guide links or Music referencing below). f. A conclusion with a succinct summary (a paragraph, approx. 200-400 words). g. A list of references, appropriately formatted. The final draft should be word-processed, double-spaced and use standard type fonts (e.g. Arial, Times New Roman, etc.), font size 12 with standard margins

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