Foreign Language Anxeity TESOL

I am writing Research proposal paper before start collecting data for thesis. I finished 7000-word writing for speaking anxiety in second language learning quite a while ago which will be based on my thesis. I need to improve and re-edit this writing in order to make a longer one. Though I don’t have to submit my research proposal paper, I have learned that this will be extremely significant in order to expand the topic. Apparently I have been struggling. I have tried to cut and select some parts from 7000 writing for research proposal paper, and I found what I want to write on this paper. On the other hand some parts of the proposal paper have not been completed. Problems I have are ? Methods, Analysis, Research Issue and Reflective Discussion sections which I had better to follow the procedure of research proposal paper. ? I also need someone to check and edit the rest of my research proposal paper. ? Hopefully, this paper with around 3700 words will give me the idea to expand the topic. I hope you can find someone to help and support what I need.

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