future sustainability outlook for the tampa bay area

Assignment 1: Future Sustainability Outlook for the Tampa Bay Area Due Sep 18 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Available Aug 21 at 11:59pm – Sep 18 at 11:59pm 28 days This assignment was locked Sep 18 at 11:59pm. Description: As humans we are facing a myriad of global challenges requiring us to act accordingly to avoid significant environmental, economic and social impacts. The impacts are being felt locally and regionally. Write a short paper to discuss the following items: • What are current sustainability challenges in the Tampa Bay Area? • What will the future of the Tampa Bay area environment look like? What are the major future threats? Pollution? Climate change? Other issues? • How severe are these challenges to the sustainability of local water, energy, and food sectors? Purpose: This assignment is designed for students to contextualize the global change pressures to specific local or regional issues. Students will use contents of the course and discussions to describe the major challenges that are affecting the earth system and human habitats and discuss how the future of our environment will unfold globally, and more specifically, in the Tampa Bay Area. Grading Criteria: The assignment will be graded on content, quality, and completeness. Review assignment rubric below for assessment criteria and allocation of points. View in a new window Submission Outline and Directions: • Please complete your activity in a word document and upload it by clicking the “Submit Assignment” button on the right of your screen. Consider the elements in the rubric to obtain all the points assigned to this activity. •The paper should be 3-4 pages (Arial 11pt., 1.5 spaced) and include complete references (not included in 3-4 pages) •Provide section headings •Use reputable sources •Use APA citation style. Include a bibliography. Word has special features that make this a breeze. Here’s how: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/what-s-new-in-word-for-students-teachers-and-professors-HA010200498.aspx?CTT=1#BM1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Plagiarism: All written submitted assignments will be checked by a software for plagiarism.

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