HIST 262: relationship between Europeans and Mongols (1200s) and Europeans and Ethiopians (1300s-1400s)

Using ONLY the Salvadore article and the assigned chapter from Marco Polo’s The Travels (NOT the film) answer the following question: Were the relations between Europeans and Mongols (1200s) and Europeans and Ethiopians (1300s- 1400s) characterized by Othering? By Orientalism? By racism? None of the above? Why? IMPORTANT: regardless of your answer, you must define these terms in your own words. If you use any other source you will fail the assignment. LENGTH: Papers must be between 500-700 words. Less than 450 words: zero credit. In excess of 750 words: 10 points penalty. FORMAT: Each assignment must have your name, a catchy title, page numbers, and word count. Double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12, 1 inch margins.

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