your assignment is to write a research paper on a historical case study. Your case study must date from before 1966. You will use visual and written sources. The paper will make an argument for how your case study relates to the contemporary case study or to the broader set of issues. Be very careful to choose an event for which there is powerful visual material, since the visual evidence will be the centerpiece of your paper. This may include artwork, images from mass media, and/or physical artifacts and objects. Okay to start with Google Images but do try ArtStor at the Rutgers Library website and similar sites for better quality images.. Your paper must also bring in more traditional written historical evidence, both primary and secondary sources. A primary source is one that was produced at around the time of the historical event you have chosen. Remember to be critical of the visual and textual evidence. Always keep in mind the context in which these texts and images were made: who produced them and for what purposes? Write your research paper. Remember that your goal is to make an argument for how the case study you have chosen deepens our understanding of the contemporary issue. Length about 2000 words plus images. Proper citation format is required. Use Chicago style, for which you should consult on the Internet. Use short form citation (parentheses within the text, not endnote or footnote numbers) and a separate bibliography page. The words for citations, both in-text parentheses and the bibliography page, do NOT count toward the word limit for your paper. Correct grammatical usage and spelling are expected; moreover, they add to the effectiveness of your argument by keeping the focus on your logic and your evidence.
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