Interdisciplinary Research AND Writing & Communication

Due: 3/6 11:59 pm essay 1)Mini-Portfolio on Interdisciplinary (300-500words) essay 2) Mini portfolio onResearch and Writing & Communication(300-500 words) 3) bibilography of all attachment and a breif description. Each essay: * Artifact= evidence of your skills in this learning area = gains 1) definition/ description of learning area (IRS+ WC) 2) thesis 3) First Artifact what is it about? *how it evidence 4) Second artifacts- what is it about how does it evidence your Community Psychology learning? 5) What did u took away or learn that help you in your future carrer? essay 1) interdisiplintery research IRI Learning Objective: IAS students develop their ability to assess and conduct interdisciplinary research by engaging with and across multiple areas of knowledge and kinds of inquiry. They learn to think critically and creatively as they develop research questions, pursue them with appropriate sources and methods, and present results in a form suited to their purpose and intended audience. In this process, they learn to position their own work in relation to other research literatures and methods of inquiry, and in relation to relevant debates and diverse social contexts. Choose 2–4 “artifacts” from your work archive that provide evidence of these capacities. This may require you to select different artifacts to compare, to illustrate how each artifact required a different form of research. Some of you may have a single artifact that demonstrates interdisciplinary research & inquiry in itself. If you like, you can choose one artifact in which your abilities were less developed, and another in which they were better developed in your comparisons. If you would like to add more artifacts to your UW Google site for this purpose, go ahead. ? In 300–500 words, write a framing essay that introduces the reader to the artifacts and explains their significance (and your choices). You should aim to be as specific as possible in explaining to the reader how the artifacts you have chosen evince your abilities with regard to interdisciplinary research & inquiry. Due: Draft Mini-Portfolio on Writing and Communication (WC). WC Learning Objective: IAS students develop their writing and communication abilities by articulating significant purposes for their work, and gaining an awareness of its audiences and contexts. They learn to communicate those purposes effectively to audiences through writing, presentations, and other media, and to use a range of evidence, both qualitative and quantitative, to support their arguments. As part of this process, they develop the ability to identify and refer to other work clearly. As part of the development of reflective practice, students learn how to improve their writing and communication by collecting and reflecting on evidence of its reception by others. Choose 2–4 “artifacts” from your work archive that provide evidence of these capacities. Create a mini-portfolio focused on your writing and communication capacities. Choose 2–4 artifacts from your work archive that demonstrates these capacities. If you would like to add more artifacts to your UW Google site for this purpose, go ahead. Be sure to address both writing and communication. Include in this mini-portfolio at least one, and preferably two, presentation or performance experiences from your IAS career, and write them up. If you include two, try to compare them with each other in your essay. In 300–500 words, write a framing essay that introduces the reader to the artifacts and explains their significance (and your choices). You should aim to be as specific as possible in explaining to the reader how the artifacts you have chosen show your abilities with regard to writing and communication.

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