Intro to World Religions

Required Readings: Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. 9th ed. New York: Pearson, 2014. E-book.!/4/2/26/8/2@0:14.1 ****Ask for login Chapter 1 Read Open Source: Herling, Brad. Why Study Religion? American Academy of Religion, n.d. Web. Fisher makes the point in this week’s reading that there has been an increased interest in the study of why religions exist in our world today. As a result, at least three (3) important theories have evolved that are used in the study of World Religions. Of those three (3) theories, which one (1) do you believe is most beneficial for your personal study of World Religions? You will want to be sure that your reply includes the identification of just one (1) theory and good academic support as to both the strengths and weaknesses you have found for applying it in your studies today. Your post will need to include a minimum of 200 words.

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