Language & Education in Southwest Native American Communities

All students will be asked to write up a 2- 3 page response paper that reflects your understanding of assigned readings, films or other resources. You are encouraged to pose questions and contribute your understanding and perspectives in response to authors’ perspectives. These should be written in narrative form, meaning no bullets, no incomplete sentences or notes. In general you should: 1) identify the titles and authors where appropriate; 2) identify the major key points the authors have presented and discussed; 3) discuss new understandings you gained from the reading assignment (things you did not know before) and how it has helped you better understand a particular issue related to Native language and education. Checklist should be checked before you submit your paper: • Does the paper clearly identify the major points or themes as presented by the author or film? • Does the paper clearly identify the title and author? • What new understandings has the student gained about Native language and education issues as evidenced in his/her writing?

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