Law Poverty and Programs which help high school dropouts

The ‘full’ draft is due April 3rd, with the final draft being due April 20. The full draft might not be read by the professor so cititations, etc might not be as necessary as it would be by the final date. This paper is the culmination of a semester of discussion about law, poverty and solutions/realities. The assignment is as such: There are realities that exist in the life and future of one who drops out of highschool. Poverty rates for these individuals are over 90%. This paper is about high school drop outs, the programs which currently exist to help them, which programs work/dont and potentially why and possible program ideas/solutions which could work. There was not a ton of guidance given on the topic besides it be focused on a specific issue within poverty (such as here its not just a discussion about how poverty effects a high school drop out and the statistics about it.. but programs which exist to help high school drop outs, which work and dont and what could be done). — My original thesis might want to be totally scrapped or redone by it read as such (after i submitted the thesis for review the professor said it should be focused from just the realities of dropping to something specific, such as programs which help these individuals, which have worked in the past, which havnt, possibly why and solutions). Perhaps a paragraph before the programs discussing the realities of dropping out. Original thesis: The causes of poverty and the pathways through which individuals move into this state consist of a unique blend of social and cultural factors riddled with psychological, socioeconomic and psychosocial stressors and life events. Research has revealed a primary risk factor has risen to correlate to what individual needs to do in order to both avoid poverty and enter the middle class, namely, the individual must attain high school degree. Although whether or not dropping out of high school is a primary contributor to poverty is criticized by many social studies and progressive movements which state that dropping out of high school is not the cause of poverty but the effect for the adult’s later predicament of poverty, the truth of the matter is that addressing an individual’s actions and decisions in their young adult life is the key to dictating the direction of their adult future. There is no doubt that there is a seemingly insurmountable amount of work that needs to be done to address the behaviors, lifestyle and psyche of the adults who bring children into this world while living in a state of poverty, but we need to focus our efforts not reactively to the past, proactively upon the present and future by educating children at a young age about the importance of continued education. We cannot undo the past and rewind the mistakes, but we can educate and empower the current younger generation to take the necessary affirmative steps to ensuring their future is not the same as those who came before them, namely, staying in and finishing high school. Only by examining how individuals arrived in their respective state of poverty can we begin to understand what are the right changes to help people in the future make different choices and create a better future for themselves and their children.

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