Multiple Governments and Intergovernmental Relationships

Read the “Hydrofracking” article on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper based on the Hydrofracking article. Include the following points in your paper: Describe the ways in which different levels of government interrelate. What solution are the different governments trying to achieve? Identify the advantages and disadvantages in the ways that the governments involved work together. Provide a possible solution to the current way of hydrofracking that would be better by having different levels of government work together. Include ways in which communication between the governments might be improved. Identify a way for local and state governments to both stimulate their economies while being respectful of the environment. Provide an example of a current issue near your home that involves multiple governments and the ways in which they do or do not work together effectively. (***Los Angles or San Diego***). Examples could include environmental, educational, or technological issues. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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