To be effective as a human service professional and agent of change, it is essential to clearly understand the unique needs of the populations we wish to serve as well as programs that currently exist to meet those needs. To that end, in your first Assignment, you will take a detailed look at one of the populations served by members of the human service profession. You will then explore programs and policies that attempt to meet the needs of this group and discuss methods to advocate for change. To complete your Assignment: Select one of the populations described in Chapter 2 of your text. Describe in detail the unique needs of this population. Conduct additional research to expand on the material covered by the text. Compare these needs with those of other populations served by the human services field. Discuss the impact that prejudice and discrimination have had on members of this group and the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment. Using the internet and the Library, research programs and policies that already exist to help meet the needs of members of this group. Do you believe these policies and programs adequately serve this population? Why or why not? Finally, research skills and techniques by which a human service professional could and advocate for social change to help meet the needs of this population at the micro, mezzo and macro levels.
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