project management in risk management and changed management

instructions: To facilitate collaboration, a group folder will be set up and must be used progressively to complete the assignment. The project team is required to submit a report illustrating how the project team will apply the following knowledge areas that have been learned. Develop an integrated project report for a real project including feasibility, schedule, human resources, budget, risks and quality and prepare appropriate Project Management documentation of the plan. Evaluate the opportunities and issues involved in managing a project team. As a group undertake your project as per the project proposal and submit a report illustrating how the project team will have applied the following knowledge areas: The Project Report needs to address the following areas (at a minimum): WBS Human resources – RACI Chart Schedule – Gantt Chart and AoN as well as resource levelling Budget Progress Reporting – 2 methods (This section should include a high-level review of overall project goals and the progress made toward them so far. Is the project on track, behind or ahead of schedule? Is it over or under budget? The progress summary should highlight any items that need stakeholder attention—even if those items are also discussed in a later section of the report.) Risk Management Change Management Project opportunities/issues of managing the project team (including communication, negotiation, motivation, time management, meetings, leading, project team performance, decision making, conflict resolution, etc.) Project Closure Peer evaluation form

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