Provide background information of the organisation and the work you undertook

• Your Portfolio and report should be a critical evaluation and not purely descriptive nature. • You should provide a clear and relevant argument. • Your work should include an introduction and conclusion. • The work should be clear and produced / presented to a high standard. • The use of the ideas of others without acknowledgement (plagiarism) will be reported. • Provide a reference page using the Harvard system & cite sources. • Students will incorporate relevant and current academic theory as appropriate. • Students should demonstrate a high level of independent study/ thought. • Students will consistently link examples of work experience to theory. • Students will also critically consider relevant viewpoints whilst presenting a lucid argument, culminating in a clear conclusion. Assessment One – Portfolio Design and maintain a portfolio which illustrates the core concepts of experiential learning. Provide background information of the organisation and the work you undertook. Outline each learning and development opportunity you encountered.

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