Read “Necessary Theatre” and “So Many Stories to Tell” in the Latinx Theatre subfolder, found in the Readings folder, and Luis Valdez’s Zoot Suit. Write a one page response to the following: Why would this have been one of the first Latinx-written/starring plays to make it to Broadway? How does it fit within larger narratives of Latinx theatrical history? What is a potential risk created by the success of Zoot Suit? Each reading response is worth 20 points. 5 points for writing at least one page; 5 points for properly citing and referencing the assigned texts in your response (MLA style and bibliography); 10 points for the quality of your argumentation. For reference here are the sources for your essay: Godinez, Henry. So Many Stories to Tell: Six Artists Weigh the Commonality and Diversity of Latino Theatre. American Theatre, 1 Dec. 2003, pp. 4852. Huerta, Jorge A. Introduction. Necessary Theater: Six Plays about the Chicano Experience. Arte Público Press, 1989, pp 5-12. Valdez, Luis. Zoot Suit. Zoot Suit and Other Plays. Arte Público Press, 1992, pp. 23-94.
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