Research Report on Security Training provided in the universities

This is the requirement from the analytics department of my University. Following is the requirement in my Mentor’s words: “1.I would like to know what security training is available at other Universities. Specifically, this would be training for users that would include how to keep their information security. This is not specific to BI, but would include it. Links to the web sites describing the security training would be helpful. 2.I would like to know vendors that deliver security training. I would like links to the sites that would include an agenda of what is included. Pricing would be helpful if available on the web site. ” Note: 1.Writer should come up articles,articles link, website link of universities in case any data is available . Also remember, my mentor is going to use these data for her presentation to the university committee. So kindly provide the most relevant and useful data not some data just for the sake of providing it. I expect writer to use sufficient amount of time in doing the online research. 2.Universities can be from any place: most preferred order : USA, Canda , Australia, Germany and so on…

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