Should the public’s right to know be valued above the right to privacy of candidates for public office?

The work is to be written as a formal academic paper. The text should be structured into three main parts: introduction, main text and conclusion, followed by a bibliography and appendices (if any). The main text should be further divided by headings and subheadings. The introduction should include the background information of the case or issue you want to analyze, the study objective, and the structure of paper. The main text that follows are to be logically developed and well?structured in suitable sections and paragraphs to analyze the case or issue with relevant frameworks, theories and arguments. The essay ends with a conclusion that is logically drawn from the critical discussions and persuasive arguments in the main text. References should be cited in text at the appropriate place. Do not include uncited works in the reference list. All items listed in the bibliography should be cited in the body of the paper.

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