Stephanie Paterson, “Deinstitutionalizing Pregnancy and Birth

produce a 5-7 page paper containing the following elements: (i) A brief introduction; (ii) A brief summary of the article’s main argument or arguments; (iii) A discussion of how the article relates to the themes and topics covered in the course; and (iv) A conclusion. The discussion (section iii) should pay particular attention to the institutions, processes and representational vehicles (such as social movements, parties or interest groups) through which policy change comes about, and the determinants of success and/or failure in the adoption certain policy initiatives. Library Catalogue Stephanie Paterson, “Deinstitutionalizing Pregnancy and Birth: Alternative Childbirth and the New Scalar Politics of Reproduction,” in Stephanie Paterson, Francesca Scala and Marlene Sokolon (eds.) Fertile Ground: Exploring Reproduction in Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014) 178-204 : slides from class and themes from the course content must be interrelated with the article being written.

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