Ta-Nehisi Coates, “Between the World and Me Each of you will give a 5-10 minute presentation on one story, essay or poem and its author assigned on the syllabus, to be given in class to start the discussion of that authors work. Literature is written by individuals with complex histories, so these presentations will give the class important background material to begin discussion. The author should be extensively researched, and the presentation will include information on both the authors life AND the text we are reading for class. This means you will comment on how the author is using craft to affect meaning in their story. The bolded authors names on the syllabus are available for presenting; I will hand out a sign-up sheet early in the semester. In addition to your in-class oral presentation, you will also turn in: o 1-2 pages of typewritten notes on your author alongside a Works Cited page in MLA format. o Some kind of visual aid to accompany your presentation, such as handouts for the class or a digital presentation
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