The Disco Sound (You can change the title if you want)

*** TEACHER NOTE *** So, your final paper should be at least 800 words (anything shorter will be marked down). It should be an analysis of ONE SONG, any song you like from any of the musical traditions we’ve studied. Don’t tell me the encyclopedia facts about the song, but give me an ANALYSIS of the musical and cultural elements of the song. Tell me why the song taps into deeper traditions and how it is put together. Tell me why the song is important, both to you and perhaps to culture at large. Do some ‘close reading’ of the song…. pull it apart, give me some insights into how the song ‘works’. If you are confused or having difficulties, shoot me an email. The paper is due by 7pm May 4th. Late papers will be severely penalized in terms of grade and may not be accepted. Again, if you are having any troubles LET ME KNOW…. communication and all that…. yep…. thanks, *** I chose the song “T.S.O.P” so you should write about this song. Thank you!!!

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