Full Title SECTION F: ISSUES OF JUSTICE AND PEACE Buddism A case study on the connection between the religious beliefs of a Buddism and its members commitment to non-violent means of resolving conflict. Project should be broken down as: Part A will request a summary of the candidates investigation of the chosen title. Part B will be for the candidates personal reflection on the learning, skills and experience gained through undertaking coursework on the chosen title. Part A: A summary of the students investigation of the chosen title The coursework booklet to date has required students to address the following three areas in this summary: An indication of the sources of information that you used e.g. web based materials, literature, and other sources An outline of the steps you took and the skills you used in investigating your chosen title A summary of your findings on your chosen titl Part B: the students personal reflection on the learning, skills and experience gained through undertaking coursework. Part B should include answers to the following: Why was the title of interest to you? What different perspectives did you encounter in doing coursework on your chosen title? What questions arose for you through doing coursework on this title? What personal insights have you gained through doing coursework on this title? What has been the most valuable part of doing coursework on this title?
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